1. Welcome by ISSSS President Rachel Baker. Calltoorder 4:00 PM CEST.
    Approval of Minutes from 2012 ISSSS Business Meeting. Motion by Jim Rhoads, Seconded by Muriel Stephenson Minutes approved unanimously.
  2. I4S Budget/Treasurer’s Report – Mark Popovich.
    1. Number of registrations at this year’s meeting—119 registered 66 professional, 53 students—Workshop 34 registered 18 professional, 16 students.
    2. Number of students 53
    3. Number of paid members. 181 individual members – 20 Libraries about + 20 members from last year. 800 subscribers are signed up tothe Q list-serve.
    4. State of the treasury Up to $46,000. Maybe approaching limit for not filing for taxes in the US which is $50,000.00. However, this will be closer to $11,300 surplus when 2013 conference fees are paid.
      The budget sheet was circulated and Mark urged members to view the sheet to see the cash flow.
    5. Report from Committees.
      1. OperantSubjectivity(OS) – status of journal (*Note that this discussion followed a conference session on OS and open access at the start of the conference, led by Rachel Baker and Job van Exel)
        Rachel Baker announced a new editor for OS, James Good has accepted the position for one three year term. Rachel welcomed James as our new editor and then gave the floor to exiting editor Amanda Wolf.

        1. Amanda Wolf
          Volume 36 included 4 issues, 2nd issue co-edited by Rachel Baker and Stephen Jeffares, 4th issue, Amanda’s final issue, featured articles by whose lead authors are ‘emerging’ researchers, defined as those within about seven years of receiving PhD. Jim Rhoads is working on co-editing an issue on applications in popular culture.
          The journal faces two changes in addition to a new editor: the transition to an online journal and the move to a calendar year publication schedule. Issue 37 (1) will be dated January, 2014, with the subsequent three issues in April, July and October. These developments will require some major changes to current editorial practices and some additional editorial positions will be required.
          John Carr called for a round of applause to thank Amanda Wolf for her nine years of excellent service as editor for the journal.
        2. Call for submissions from conference
          Rachel Baker encouraged submissions from the conference. James Good echoed the call for submissions.
        3. Request for reviewers for Operant Subjectivity and Donald J. Brenner Best Paper Award.
      2. Job van Exel – online access (progress since last year)
        a. (Job demonstrated progress with the online journal at the opening session on open access.)
      3. Indexing of Operant Subjectivity
        Discussion of the open-access issue and the indexing issue ensued. The discussion went on for nearly an hour, several concerns and thoughts (positive and negative) were shared.Jim Rhoads motioned that the journal be put online with 100% open access for 1 year. Muriel Stephenson seconded the motion.Further discussion ensued about the potential financial cost if everything was open access, the savings from printing and postage (estimated to be at least $4-5,000 p.a. and possibly more with rising postage costs), and if the older or newer volumes should be open access. Amy Hollingsworth proposed a friendly amendment to the motion to implement open access limited to the previous two volumes.
        Jim Rhoads accepted the amendment.Sue Ramlo made a friendly amendment to make the open access of the previous two volumes a two-year trial.
        Jim Rhoads accepted the friendly amendment.James Good and Stephen Jeffares made a friendly amendment to restrict access to the older volumes to the membership and open access to the two most recent volumes and to review the membership data collected at the 2015 business meeting.Jim Rhoads accepted this friendly amendment.

        Job van Exel made a friendly amendment that the previous 3 volumes be open access. Jim Rhoads agreed to that amendment.

        Secretary John Nicholas summarized the motion as:
        That the journal have open access for the three most recent volumes, and access restricted to members for all older volumes; that the issues be revisited, reviewing the data collected concerning membership and readership in 2015; and that the executive committee put forth a motion regarding online access to the journal based upon the analysis of the data at the 2015 business meeting.

        President Rachel Baker called for a vote.

        The vote tally was: 29 yay
        0 nay
        2 abstained
        The motion, with amendments carried.

    6. Awards – Sue Ramlo
      Last year 14 submissions for the Donald J. Brenner Award, 11 of which met the conditions to be reviewed.
      She encouraged graduate students to submit papers.
      Deadline for submission is 11:00 PM local time on the last day of the conference.
      No need for hardcopies, email your paper to Sue.
      Sue needs Brenner Award evaluators; please volunteer by sending an email to sramlo@uakron.edu.
      Evaluators are still needed for the award.
    7. Website – No report.
    8.  Old Business.
    9. New Business.Mike Stricklin announced that there was the first international conference on the Science of Subjectivity in Brazil held in 2008 to honor Al Talbert, former ISSSS president. Al Talbot left his book collection to Mike’s university, Federal University of Piauí, Brazil, following which the University president approved a conference in Talbot’s honor. A conference proceeding was published and Mike, in conjunction with co-organizer Gustavo Said, presented a copy to one of the chapter authors, Diane Montgomery.Mark Popovich suggested a Conference Chair to help pick the conference locations, negotiate rates etc.

      Rachel noted that the by-laws state that Executive committee can create the position without the need for a vote.

      Stephen Jeffares suggested naming a Vice President of Conferences would make it a more attractive position

      1. Proposed slate of new officers:
        Vice President Job van Exel was re-elected by unanimous acclimation.
        Location of IS42014 – Salt Lake City, Utah Dates: 3rd week of September 2014. A presentation on Salt Lake City was given by Clark Callahan.
      2. Future meetings-potential sites
      3. Other NewBusiness
    10. Good of the Order
    11. Adjournment Meeting Closed at 5:15 PM CEST.

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