Hughes, Martin (2016) Critical, respectful, person-centred: Q methodology for educational psychologists. Educational and Child Psychology, 33(3), 63-75.

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of Q methodology and an example of how it has been used in educational psychology research to explore the views of Year 6 students (aged 10–11) in relation to transition to secondary school. This is followed by an example of how this transition work has been applied to practice, by using a card sorting approach with a young person, so as to understand their viewpoint regarding their own individual view of transition. Q is commended to educational psychologists as a critical, respectful and person-centred methodological approach that is useful at hearing a range of voices, including those marginalised, as well as a novel activity (card sorting) that can enable young people who are less able or willing to converse, to explore their views.

Martin Hughes <> is Professional Director, Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, School of Education, University of Sheffield, UK.

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