Hooff, Sarah Beckham, Iosif Botetzagias, & Athanasios Kizos (2017, March). Seeing the wind (farm): Applying Q-methodology to understand the public’s reception of the visuals around a wind farm development. Environmental Communication, 11(5), 700-722. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2017.1292937)

Abstract: This research investigates the reception of the visual representations of a wind farm (WF) development by local stakeholders. Using non-verbal Q methodology, residents of Lesvos’ island, Greece, sort images according to how these images represented their opinion about the proposed Aegean Link WF project. We found three opinion types. The “Risk Averter” type is focused on the various risks of constructing and operating the Aegean Link wind development. The “Green Developer” type believes that the renewable energy project will benefit both their local community and the environment. The “Realist” type defers to expert knowledge to make decisions about project outcomes and is sceptical of media bias. While the former two types seem to form their visual opinions based on whether they are in favour or against (respectively) of the WF development, the Realist opinion is rather guided by carefully considering whether the visual stimuli are representative of the project’s actual characteristics.

Iosif Botetzagias <iosif@aegean.gr> is in the Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Mytiline, Greece.

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