Farrell, Desiree, Liam Carr, & Frances Fahy (2017). On the subject of typology: How Irish coastal communities’ subjectivities reveal intrinsic values towards coastal environments. Ocean & Coastal Management, 146, 135-143. (Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.06.017)

Abstract: Ireland is working to double the economic contribution of its V2.2bn marine sector by 2030 by focusing on expanding offshore energy, shipping, commercial fishing, and tourism sectors. This growth will be sensitive to environmental considerations, with a stated goal of achieving healthy ecosystems ‘that provide monetary and non-monetary goods and services’. Such a goal may prove challenging if short-term economic priorities threaten long-term ecosystem functions and resilience. This study determines the intrinsic value of the marine realm via attitudinal data of stakeholders by employing a grounded theory approach utilizing Q-methodology. Stakeholders were sorted into three categorical factors (Nature Collaborators, Sustainability Seekers, and Nature Technicians), each representing a significantly distinct ecological thought. It is evident within the scope of this study that stakeholders value and understand intrinsic value, despite it not being adequately represented in policy decisions to date. This research seeks to demonstrate how stakeholder engagement and Q-methodology can be utilized to address current policy shortcomings in the EU and Irish context, specifically when attempting to modernize policy approaches to be holistic and integrated.

Desiree Farrell <desfarrell@cox.net> is in the School of Geography and Archaeology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway City, Ireland.

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