Tan, Siow-Kian, Ding-Bang Luh, & Shiann-Far Kung (2014). A taxonomy of creative tourists in creative tourism. Tourism Management, 42, 248-259. (Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2013.11.008)

Abstract: This study aims to characterize creative tourists and their perceptions of creative experiences at tourism sites. Creative tourists are active co-creators of their experiences; hence, they should be treated as a heterogeneous group of co-producers who have subjective opinions and feelings toward their creative experiences. The existing literature suggests that a creative experience is constructed by ‘inner reflections’, which include not only ‘consciousness/awareness’, ‘needs/motivations’ and ‘creativity’, but also ‘outer interactions’ which refer to ‘environment’, ‘people’ and ‘activity’ (Tan, Kung, & Luh, 2013). However, how a particular mix of factors interact and define an individual’s perceptions of a creative experience may vary among different types of creative tourists. Q methodology was used to reveal the tourists’ inherent subjectivity of creative experiences with regard to the constructions of personal meaning. Five distinct groups of creative tourists were identified: novelty-seekers, knowledge and skills learners, those who are aware of their travel partners’ growth, those who are aware of green issues, and the relax and leisure type. Each consists of a different composition of factors which can provide new insights into how different creative tourists construct their personal creative experiences at these sites.

Siow-Kian Tan <siowkiantan@gmail.com> is in the Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China.

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