Bachkirova, Tatiana, Jonathan Sibley, & Adrian Christopher Myers (2015). Developing and applying a new instrument for microanalysis of the coaching process: The Coaching Process Q-Set. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 26(4),431-462.

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a project aimed at the development and the use of an instrument designed to identify differences and similarities across coaching approaches at the level of a specific coaching session. 41 professional coaches described one of their typical coaching sessions using this instrument and found it comprehensive. Q-mode factor analysis suggests that there was one overarching shared viewpoint about the way a mid-engagement coaching session is typically facilitated. This suggests that there may be considerable similarities in how coaching is actually practiced in spite of the existence of a variety of coaching traditions, genres and contexts in which coaching takes place, leading to one extended conceptual definition of coaching. We suggest that the tool makes possible a number of research projects, allows a clearer understanding of services typically provided by contracted coaches and assists in self-evaluation of professional and ‘on-the-job’ types of coaching.

Developing and Applying a New

Instrument for Microanalysis

of the Coaching Process:

TheCoaching Process Q-Set

Tatiana Bachkirova, Jonathan Sibley, Adrian Christopher Myers

Developing and Applying a New

Instrument for Microanalysis

of the Coaching Process:

TheCoaching Process Q-Set

Tatiana Bachkirova, Jonathan Sibley, Adrian Christopher Myers

Developing and Applying a New

Instrument for Microanalysis

of the Coaching Process:

TheCoaching Process Q-Set

Tatiana Bachkirova, Jonathan Sibley, Adrian Christopher Myers

Tatiana Bachkirova <> is a Co-Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies, Oxford Brookes University, UK.

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