You are invited to make a contribution to ISSSS in support of its educational goals to provide programs, services, educational materials, and scholarship funds to students, professionals and others interested in Q Methodology.

Making a donation to ISSSS qualifies as a U.S. federal income tax deduction as specified under section 501(c) (3) guidelines of the Internal Revenue Code. ISSSS is classified as a public charity, and as such is qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts. All donors will be provided with documentation to certify their contribution under IRS rules.

If you are a donor to ISSSS from outside the continental boundaries of the U.S.A., you should check with the revenue service of your own country to determine if you need documentation from ISSSS for such a contribution. The ISSSS treasurer will be happy to provide you with documentation certifying your ISSSS contribution.

You can donate any amount to the International Society for the Scientific Study of Human Subjectivity.

You can also donate by check or money order payable to ISSSS. Checks and money orders can be sent to:

John B. Nicholas 

3189 Middleton Rd, Hudson, OH 44236

Members should include their full names, mailing address (please limit to five lines), occupation, home and work phone numbers, and email addresses.