Zanoli, Raffaele, Eduardo Cuoco, Yulia Barabanova, Serena Mandolesi, & Simona Naspetti (2018, forthcoming). Using Q methodology to facilitate the establishment of the 2030 vision for the EU organic sector. Organic Agriculture. (Link:

Abstract: A participatory application of Stephenson’s Q methodology, known as InQuiry, was used to investigate stakeholder perspectives on a desired future for the organic sector in Europe in order to develop a shared vision. A selected group of experts from different organisations and nationalities were asked to provide their viewpoints on what should be the vision for the organic sector in Europe in 2030, sorting 48 statements containing possible future visions about the organic sector. Results indicated two distinct and common positions about the future of EU organic sector, which helped in drafting the IFOAM EU 2030 vision for the organic sector in Europe.

Raffaele Zanoli <> is in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.

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